Sounds of Awakening
At KateBeloved & The Awakening Soul, my teachings focus on SOUL ACTIVATION and TRANSFORMATION as we AWAKEN OUR COSMIC HEART through three of the most powerful, high-frequency ascension tools available ~ CRYSTAL SOUND ~ ART ~ DANCING QI ~
And of course, we believe no sojourn through Soul Activation and Transformation is complete without all the yummy assistance from the UNSEEN REALMS of ANGEL, FAERIE, MASTER TEACHERS and our COSMIC BROTHERS and SISTERS. Each of our playshops, classes, retreats, ceremonies and gemstone alchemy crystal bowl meditation attunements offer teachings and experiences for you to awaken your cosmic heart and activate your soul in playfully profound ways.
For your personal journey, I am honored to offer angelic guidance for your soul’s awakening and activation through angel oracle readings. channeling from Archangel Ariel and personal messages through art.
I look forward to seeing you at KateBeloved.com
May your heart be filled to overflowing and may you awaken each and every one you meet.
Faerie Wishes & Angel Blessings
P l e a s e V i s i t U s A t K a t e B e l o v e d . c o m