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Sounds of Awakening
B i o g r a p h y
Beloved Ad Sach Kaur (Kate Beloved) is a Visionary, Crystal Sound Weaver, Speaker for Unseen Realms, Intuitive Soul Artist and Spirit Dancer whose delight is Activating "Sleeping" Souls. Serving as an Angelic Messenger and Messenger for Unseen Realms, she gives transmission from the Heart of The Divine Mother and the Angelic Realm as she facilitates Divine Crystal Sound Activations using Gemstone Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls, Toning/Vocal Harmonics, Native Flute, and Xylophones.
For your personal journey, Beloved also offers Angel Messages and Readings through Art.
Together with the unseen realms and Heume, Beloved has co-created The Beloved Waters Project, a worldwide network using high-frequency vibrational sound for strengthening the planet's Sacred Water Grid.
Beloved records with Tantric Moon and is a member of Sound Healers Association.
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