Sounds of Awakening
W e l c o m e . . .
Dear Heart, these are magical times we live in. Lots of changing and shifting... awakening and activating. Remember, Dear One, we are vibrational beings moving into crystalline structure. Crystal is a transmitter... Sound is vibration.
As we move into our crystalline bodies, I believe we are the most powerful vibrating crystal sound bowls in the cosmos! And not only are we powerful crystal beings, we are water beings and the Divine Waters flowing within our beautiful bodies enhance the vibratory frequencies flowing through us,
reflecting, reverberating and amplifying our internal sound as it moves. Remember Dr.
Emoto and his messages in water! The Waters are transmitters, too!
Enjoy a bit of sound refreshment!
Yes Darlings. These are powerful times of Awakening and Activation and we are powerful Divine Soul Beings
In this magical time of Awakening into our SoulHearts I am honored to offer Sound Experiences to Awaken Your Soul!
I call these experiences SOUNDS OF AWAKENING.
It is my joy and passion to share our sound and teachings with you.
All of our concerts, meditations, ceremonies and retreats include experiences layered in sound frequencies that touch deep into the inner heart space of your Being. Sound frequencies from Gemstone Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls, Vocal Harmonics, Channelings from Archangel Ariel of the Angelic Realm, Light Language Transmissions from the Heart of the Divine Mother and Vibrational Attunements from the EarthHeart breathed through the tones of Native Flute invite you into that place of no time, no space as you reconnect to your magnificent SoulHeart.
One of my greatest Joys, in addition to my own Awakening Your Cosmic Heart Concerts, Meditations and Retreats, is being invited to open for other teachers, conferences and festivals! I am beyond blessed to be a vessel for Soul Frequencies and am often invited to call in the frequencies and set the energy for other people's events. I am so honoured to receive invitations from such fabulous and powerful teachers!
To Book Beloved for your events (virtual or LIVE) please e-mail
Dear One, may your heart be filled to overflowing and may you awaken each and every one you meet.
Sending you so much love and abundant angel moon alchemy manifesting blessings. Here Love...CATCH